When I Dream in Orange
Jade Poli
I just prayed to Aphrodite.
How desperate does that make me?
My pathetic pleas
Reflect in the misted mirror,
Sliding down like teardrops
All wrapped in salt and serotonin.
I hide myself in a towel
(like that would protect me).
My heartbeat speaks
Calling Aphrodite one more time but
She doesn’t give a shit about me
(He doesn’t give a shit about me)
(They all ! )
stop it — you’re spiraling.
I thought the shower would wipe away
The burnt orange bruises I’ve illustrated
Across my chest
But no —
It’s time for sleep.
I’ll just go drown in my dreams.
Well —
I didn’t drown but,
I didn’t sleep.
I swear she’s haunting me.
What does the silence mean, goddess?
What makes you a goddess anyway... (ugh).
Goddamn Aphrodite — does she know
About my orange dreams?
How they pierce my pupils
Like daffodils stained by the sun?
He was wearing that shirt again
(in my dream)
That off-tangerine one
That honestly looks stupid
But it doesn’t matter —
Because the shirt from last night
Was fabricated by my
Brain tissue (ew).
I try to forget the imagery
But it latches onto my lids like
Orange wallpaper.
My dreams can bite me.
I stumble down the stairs
Choking on sweat,
Dream residue
Tangling in my eyelashes.
We were out of orange juice.
My cheeks blister pink as I
Realize the same thing
Happened in my nightmare
(of course).
But it’s not real.
Not real, not real, not real.
Dreams ≠ reality,
You know this.
But why then
Are my dreams (nightmares)
Coming true?
The windshield is hazy
The wheels of the car
Barely touching the asphalt.
I can taste
Bitter flakes of
Cereal but I can barely
Keep them down.
I say bye to my sister
And then I’m catapulted
Down the narrow hallway.
One foot in front of the —
Watch it,
He cares, he does
(no he doesn’t).
You obviously care
(I wish I didn’t).
There he is.
Ask him to
Pull out the cards
(yes, the stupid orange ones)
Start a game.
Say some words.
Any words.
Don’t let Aphrodite’s silence
Rupture your — confidence?
He seems interested
(as ever)
Glazed eyes.
Muted Smile.
Shit shit shit.
That’s what he looked like in my dream
(that’s what he always looks like — dreams or not).
I shuffle the deck.
I feel my heart rip,
Like Aphrodite is
Pulling at my hair
I wore red pants —
I’m trying.
I want to let the sunlight in.
And I want to feel its heat on my skin
(whatever that means)
But this orange feels so
I know.
The first time I dreamt in orange
Just a few months earlier,
It turned me into a tulip,
And reality was the sun —
It all just fit
For one day.
I guess I mistook
A light bulb for the sun.
His orange shirt
Does certainly shine
(no it doesn’t).
I wish I dreamt like a man
With a stained x chromosome —
Color blind
Glazed eyes and
A muted smile.
Or maybe
I should just
shut up
And take Aphrodite’s silence
As a clue.