
Max White

New Transaction 4:48PM Name or @username: Austin Davidson $20 Years of emotional labor (2) Audience: Private (Visible to sender and recipient only) Request 

Austin Davidson has declined your request. 5:31PM 

New Transaction 11:41AM Name or @username: Austin Davidson $65 all my shit that’s still at your house + years of emotional labor (2) Audience: Private (Visible to sender and recipient only) Request 

Austin Davidson commented on your request: lmao 1:25PM Austin Davidson has declined your request. 1:30PM 

New Transaction 2:30PM Name or @username: Austin Davidson $75 all my shit that’s still at your house + that jacket you ruined + years of emotional labor (2) Audience: Private (Visible to sender and recipient only) Request 

Austin Davidson paid you $0.75 3:08PM Hello! We have received your invoice for “All my shit that’s still at your house + that jacket you ruined + years of emotional labor (2)”. Currently, it is under review by our client retention division, as we have found other entities providing the same service for a significantly lower fee. While we at Davidson’s Patience, Ltd. believe that no debt should go unpaid, we also believe in fair trade value. As such, our labor retention division and marketing department are working away to determine the actual value of the services you provided, and we will update you on that total once it is determined. In the meantime, please and an enclosed 1% of your fee as a sign of goodwill. Sincerely, 

Austin Davidson CEO, CFO, and President Davidson’s Patience, Ltd 

Leave a comment You said: jesus christ 3:34PM 

New Transaction 9:00 PM Name or @username: Austin Davidson $100 passive aggressive nonsense Audience: Private (Visible to sender and recipient only) Request 

Leave a comment Austin Davidson said: come get it 9:25PM You said: just leave it outside. i’ll pick it up. 9:28PM Austin Davidson said: not until you talk to me 9:29PM You said: this is talking 9:34PM Austin Davidson said: you know what i mean 9:36PM You said: i’m not unblocking you 9:40PM Austin Davidson said: so you’re just going to be a bitch about this 9:45PM You said: that’s the plan 9:51PM Austin Davidson said: mature 10:21PM 

New Transaction 10:25PM Name or @username: Austin Davidson $200 i can do this all day Audience: Private (Visible to sender and recipient only) Request 

Austin Davidson has declined your request. 10:21PM 

New Transaction 12:15PM Name or @username: Austin Davidson $200 

years of emotional labor (2) + ruined jacket (1) + my shit that’s at your house + not telling anyone about that time you cried because you couldn’t put a bookcase together + pretending to like friday night lights + also, fuck you Audience: Public Request 

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Kate Taylor said: 

☕☕☕ 12:20PM 

Sam Neer said: @Austin Davidson lmao psycho 12:33AM 

Austin Davidson requests $15.00 1:10PM Audience: Private (Visible to sender and recipient only) are you fucking crazy? 

Leave a comment You said: pay me or give it back. your choice. i’ll keep posting. 1:11PM Austin Davidson said: FINE. 1:15PM Austin Davidson said: i’m not paying you shit but i’ll leave your stuff. if you don’t pick it up by the end of the day i’m throwing it out. 1:17PM Austin Davidson said: well? 1:50PM Austin Davidson said: are you gonna answer?? 3:22PM 

Are you sure you would like to cancel your request to Austin Davidson? Request cancelled. 

Austin Davidson paid you $0.01 11:16PM Audience: Private (Visible to sender and recipient only) i saw you picked it up. can we talk? 

Leave a comment Austin Davidson said: look, this is the only way i have to get in contact with you anymore 11:20PM Austin Davidson said: i don’t know why you’re so mad at me 11:20PM Austin Davidson said: whatever i did, i’m sorry you’re upset 11:21PM Austin Davidson said: will you just fucking answer me 11:30PM Austin Davidson said: you always do this 11:31PM 

Austin Davidson said: cunt 2:01AM 

Austin Davidson paid you $20 4:10PM i’m sorry. are we good now? 

Accept Decline 

Are you sure you want to decline this payment?